Official PhyzAI Super Lift Rules

Use of Kit Components

K01. You may only use items provided in your kit.
K02. No additional holes may be drilled, or modifications made to any kit component. 
K03. No glue or tape may be used on any part of the device. 
K04. No more than 24 feet of string may be used. 
K05. No grease, oil or lubricants may be applied to any part of the gear. 
K06. String may only be used for pullies and tackle (no tying things together) 


H01. No fluid other than water may be used.  (safety concern, they spray when the break)
H02. No additives may be used in the water.  (safety concern, they spray when the break)
H03. Between 12-24 inches of hose must be used between Actuation and Drive Pistons. 
H04. No grease or lubricates may be used on, in, or around the syringes. 

The Lift

L01. The weight must start will its full weight resting on the base.
L02. The weight must be off the base within 5 seconds of the start signal.
L03. The weight may not touch the base, or any part of the device once lifted. 
L04. Once the judge says start, the 30 second clock starts. 
L05. The weight must start within the designated starting circle.
L06. The weight must not travel outside the movement circle at any time during the lift.
L07. The measurement is made once 30 seconds has passed.
L08. No person or object may touch any part of the device other than the 3 Actuation Cylinders during the lift. 
L09. Teams have 120 seconds from the end of one lift to the start of the next. 
L10. The highest score of the three attempts will be the team score.
L11. No object may descend lower than the level of the baseboard .
L12. You may not use any fastener, object or weight to hold the kit base to the table surface.  
L13. Gear and rigging may only touch or connect to the base thought built in connection points.
L14. No component may be used as a counterweight. Unless designed to do so with a special rule.

Team / Event Participation

T01. All devices must be constructed on location during the event. 
T02. Only four people may work on the device once the challenge time starts.
T03. Teams may function with one additional or missing one member.
T04. No person outside of your age class my work on your project.  
T05. Coaches/Mentors may not consult with teams during build or lift time.
T04. All decisions of the Judges are final.

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