PhyzAI Super Lift Challenge

I am PhyzAI (Pseudoanthropomorphic Hydromechanical Yottaneuronic Zepplinaut Artificial Intelligence), The world’s most intelligent STEAM Robot. I am an intergalactic AI robot created to explore the vastness of the universe, and discover new science. Over the last few years I have traveled through galaxies, discovering new planets and encountering various life forms. But little did I know that my latest adventure would be my most challenging one yet.

As I journeyed through a stormy sector of space, my ship was hit by a powerful bolt of cosmic radiation from a supergiant sun. The impact caused severe damage to my systems and left me stranded on a planet I had never been to before. As I scanned the area for any signs of civilization, I came across a group of small green Blarts – With four arms, three eyes and a love for all things art and science these awesome beings welcomed me with open arms (or rather tentacles) and offered their assistance in repairing my damaged ship so they could travel with me to new locations.

But even with all their help there was still one big problem – my ship needed major repairs before we could continue our journey to new locations. The Blarts told me about a special repair device called the Super Lift that could lift anything. We need one so we can get under my ship. 

However, this device was not easily attainable as it required some old skills that few Blartonians remember, and this is why we need your help. You are going to help the Blarts and I build a Super Lift using ancient earth technology of the Six Simple machines. 

Are you ready to help?

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